I use these to sketch on my toys and dolls before painting. Watercolor pencils can be found at any art store. It comes in a spray can and actually doubles as a sealant! It doesn’t have as much tooth as gesso, but the smoother surface might be more suitable for doll faces. The texture is great for helping paint stick to whatever surface you’re painting on, but if you want something that’s more smooth to the touch, you should use Testor’s Dullcote. However, it has a gritty texture when it dries. I have a big bottle of it so I use it for everything. For this project I used Liquitex Clear Acrylic Gesso, which is a brush-on primer. You will need to seal and prime the doll’s face before painting so that the acrylic can stick onto the surface.

Make sure the nail polish remover is 100% acetone or else you won’t be able to remove the paint no matter how hard you scrub! I made that mistake once and it wasn’t pretty. If you need to wipe off a doll’s old face paint, use 100% acetone (aka nail polish remover).